Gianna Vallefuoco


Intro To Mindfulness

This  life-changing set of courses covers the basic principles of mindfulness as a practice for real life. Using principles from psychology, neuroscience, fine art, and mindfulness, you will develop a skillset for navigating life’s daily and deep challenges.  Learn how the brain works, and the tools to navigate thoughts and emotions. We cover basic breathwork, meditation, and mindful perspective to approach common human experiences like stress, fear, shame, and unworthiness. Understand the basis of joy, compassion, and vulnerability in thriving in your relationships and community.  Learn how to approach life’s obstacles with awareness and acceptance, and move toward resilience. The path to experiencing joy includes stilling the mind and opening the heart to self compassion. Learn to love more deeply, work more skillfully, and live an intentional life without being overwhelmed by life’s stressors. Mindfulness involves how we see ourselves, and how that self perception affects our reality. Sessions can be customized to your group’s needs.

Gianna Vallefuoco helps people to gain mindfulness to find greater success.


Gianna Vallefuoco

Gianna carries years of experience in compassionate leadership in the construction industry and through mindfulness-based coursework with SIYLI, Beyond Om, and Thrive Yoga. She completed a two year practicum as an MMTCP certified mindfulness instructor through UC Berkeley’s Awareness Training Institute and Greater Good Science Center with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. Recognizing the deep connection between mindfulness and neuroscience, she continued her studies in Interpersonal Neurobiology with Dr Dan Siegel. She incorporates the “Mindsight Approach To Wellbeing,” to bring a multi-faceted approach to her teaching. Gianna works regularly with the police force and construction industry, focusing on compassion, crisis intervention training, and self care.


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